When it comes to collecting a debt in a bankruptcy case, creditors aren’t usually picky about where the money comes from, as long as it’s eventually paid back. But legally speaking, there are limitations on which assets can be used to pay a debt. Some property is exempt from such transactions. In this post, we […]
Is Bankruptcy Your Only Option for Debt Relief?
There are various reasons for your debts, but one thing is sure, too much debt cause disastrous financial and psychological consequences. You may have been responsible for your debt (though unwise purchase decisions. Many people also fall into debt due to extensive and unforeseen medical expenses. Regardless of the reasons for your debt, bankruptcy law […]
Mounting Student Loans – Should you file for Bankruptcy?
If you are struggling with mounting student loans, you are not alone. The American Student Assistance organization claims that over $1 trillion is owed in student loan debt. In fact, student loans have surpassed credit card debt nationwide. When faced with increasing student loan debts, many people opt to file for bankruptcy in the hope […]